Session type
Thema sessions
Tuesday 14 May
Tuesday 14 May - Plenary sessions
09:15 - 10:45 - Spoken in 
Opening and welcome by Bianca Rouwenhorst & Keynotes of Luciën Engelen, Helen Mertens, John Halamka
By: Bianca Rouwenhorst, Director Of Information Policy/Cio, Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport | Helen Mertens, Ceo, Maastricht UMC+ | John Halamka, President, Mayo Clinic Platform | Lucien Engelen, Ceo, Transform.Health  More info
16:00 - 16:45 - Spoken in 
Keynote programme by Madhukar Kumar Bhagat | Katarzyna Kolasa
By: Katarzyna Kolasa, Professor Of Health Economics, Kozminski University Poland | Madhukar Kumar Bhagat, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare India  More info
Tuesday 14 May - Seminars
10:50 - 18:15 - Spoken in  (Access by invitation only)
2nd International Policy Forum & Congress
  More info
11:30 - 12:10 - Spoken in  (this session is fully booked)
How do the Netherlands contribute to the building of the European Health Data Space (EHDS)?
By: Esther Peelen, Adviseur Internationaal, Nictiz  More info
11:30 - 12:10 - Spoken in  (this session is fully booked)
When metadata is too sensitive to share
By: Marc Padros-Goossens, It Architect, UMC Utrecht | Eline van den Heuvel, Kinderarts, UMC Utrecht  More info
11:30 - 12:10 - Spoken in  (this session is fully booked)
Prevention by means of digitalization
By: Gido Metz, Post-Doc Onderzoeker, MUMC+ | Rik Crutzen, Professor Of Behaviour Change&Technology, MUMC+  More info
11:30 - 12:10 - Spoken in 
The 6th sense…The Netherlands as a global innovation hub
By: Roxanne Nievergeld, Luscii | Daan Dohmen, Professor Digital Transformation, Open University of the Netherlands  More info
11:30 - 12:10 - Spoken in  (this session is fully booked)
Hybrid care from practice is also possible
By: Michel Hofman, Programmadirecteur, | Fiona Suwandy, VLIEGWIEL Coalitie  More info
11:30 - 12:10 - Spoken in  (this session is fully booked)
GenAI from a designer’s perspective
By: Peter Skillman, Global Head Of Design, Philips  More info
11:30 - 12:10 - Spoken in  (this session is fully booked)
Leadership in strategy deployment and digital transformation. Rijnstate Hospital as showcase
By: Wim van Harten, Professor Universeit Van Twente En Nki, Nederlands Kanker Instituut  More info
12:30 - 13:10 - Spoken in  (this session is fully booked)
How does VGZ work on accessible care for all Dutch people?
By: Marit Tanke, VGZ & RVS  More info
12:30 - 13:10 - Spoken in 
A complete electronic medication overview: practice and legislation
By: Samir El Abdouni, Erasmus MC | Gepke Delwel, Netherlands Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports  More info
12:30 - 13:10 - Spoken in  (this session is fully booked)
The use of AI to increase therapy compliance at home in stroke survivors
By: Björn Crüts, Blended Clinic  More info
12:30 - 13:10 - Spoken in 
Care technology that really works for elderly care, at Zorgvilla Valckenborgh
By: Jeroen Valkenburg, Zorgvilla Valckenborgh | Thieu Hovens, Hertek Care  More info
12:30 - 13:10 - Spoken in 
The Exchange Compass; trust in sharing health data
By: Kirsten De Wilde, VZVZ  More info
12:30 - 13:10 - Spoken in 
Optimizing Care Delivery and Putting Physicians at the Forefront of Healthcare Technology Innovation
By: Hannah Koczka, Vice President, Nm Ventures And Innovati, Northwestern Memorial HealthCare | Galal Galal, Data Scientist At Northwestern Medicine, Northwestern Medicine  More info
12:30 - 13:10 - Spoken in 
Our journey to the hospital of the future
By: Esther Talboom-Kamp, Zuyderland  More info
12:30 - 13:10 - Spoken in 
Responsible AI in the clinic, the building blocks
By: Michel van Genderen, Internist-Intensivist, Erasmus MC  More info
12:30 - 13:10 - Spoken in 
Fear of missing out. Build your own innovation platform.
By: Gabrielle Speijer, CATALYZIT | John Halamka, President, Mayo Clinic Platform  More info
13:30 - 14:10 - Spoken in  (this session is fully booked)
Digital transformation: strategy, implementation and research in practice
By: Carine Doggen, Rijnstate ziekenhuis | Lisanne Spiegelenberg, Rijnstate ziekenhuis | Laura Kooij, Rijnstate ziekenhuis  More info
13:30 - 14:10 - Spoken in 
Safe societal data sharing with MPC
By: Marc Padros-Goossens, It Architect, UMC Utrecht | Teus Kappen, UMC Utrecht  More info
13:30 - 14:10 - Spoken in 
Privacy-preserving AI-model training on multi-organizational data
By: Maarten Everts, Linksight  More info
13:30 - 14:10 - Spoken in 
Transition in the Dutch eldery care
By: Natascha van Riet, Anders werken in de zorg | Henk herman Nap, Vilans | Jan-Kees van Wijnen, Tante Louise | Menno Gravemaker, Momo medical  More info
13:30 - 14:10 - Spoken in 
The secrets of (digital) transformation beyond technology
By: Nele Roosen, Medtronic Integrated Health Solutions | Stijn Schretlen, Medtronic Integrated Health Solultions  More info
13:30 - 14:10 - Spoken in  (this session is fully booked)
HumanAIzing work
By: Marly Kiewik, Partner Human Capital, Deloitte  More info
13:30 - 14:10 - Spoken in  (this session is fully booked)
The clinic of the future; redesigning outpatient care delivery at MUMC+
By: Edward Dompeling, Hoofd Afdeling Kinderlongziekten, Maastricht UMC+ | Dominic Linz, Cardioloog, Maastricht UMC+ | Sami Simons, Longarts, Maastricht UMC+  More info
13:30 - 14:10 - Spoken in 
How do you organize a sustainable regional health information system?
By: Simon Hoogvliet, Directeur Zorg Proposities, KPN Health | Cefas Dam, Technology Lead Kpn Health Exchange, KPN Health  More info
13:30 - 14:10 - Spoken in  (this session is fully booked)
Healthdata EU
By: Johanna Seppänen, Director FINDATA (Chair of the Community of Practice)  More info
13:30 - 14:10 - Spoken in 
The Implementation of SNOMED in the Netherlands
By: Magdalena De Bruin, VWS | Sylvia Veereschild, Nictiz  More info
14:30 - 15:10 - Spoken in  (this session is fully booked)
The AI-enabled healthcare workforce - Building the roadmap
By: Joost Huiskens, Microsoft Nederland  More info
14:30 - 15:10 - Spoken in  (this session is fully booked)
AI Act & Normalisatie
By: Bas Woudstra, Elekta | Joline Van Sorge, Quality Manager, Expertisecentrum Zorgalgoritmen | Leon Doorn, QAIR  More info
14:30 - 15:10 - Spoken in 
Metropolis The Netherlands - connecting data-driven health care.  Location hotspot for related business and point of access into the EU.
By: Abhinav Jain, PROGNOIX HEALTH BV | Sjoerd Boomsma, LIOF | Ron de De Graaff, SEIJGRAAF BV | Rick Riedstra, INVEST IN HOLLAND  More info
14:30 - 15:10 - Spoken in  (this session is fully booked)
With digitalization increasing health differences?
By: Marinka Fintelman, Alliantie Digitaal Samenleven | Pascale Ooms, Zorgverzekeraars Nederland  More info
14:30 - 15:10 - Spoken in 
Feasible Scaling of Remote Care for Patients and Healthcare Providers
By: Glenn Bruins, Enovation  More info
14:30 - 15:10 - Spoken in  (this session is fully booked)
Interoperability vs standardization: the right narrative rather than accurate observations
By: Teus Kappen, UMC Utrecht  More info
14:30 - 15:10 - Spoken in 
Towards first-time-right arrhythmia diagnostics
By: Hans Slurink, Sales Manager Ecg Solutions, PHILIPS | Mai Ngo, Cardioloog, MK Velsen | Siamak Aliyary, Cardioloog, MK Velsen  More info
14:30 - 15:10 - Spoken in 
Dutch legislation for electronic exchange of health data should concern you
By: Kejan Beemer, Netherlands Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports | Ulco de Boer, Sr. Beleidsadviseur Gegevensuitwisseling, Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport  More info
14:30 - 15:10 - Spoken in 
The mHealth (r)evolution: from research towards implementation
By: Julie Vranken, ZIEKENHUIS OOST-LIMBURG | Inge Thijs, Hasselt University  More info
14:30 - 15:10 - Spoken in 
Learning from the past with data!
By: Anne Voor in 't holt, Erasmus MC Rotterdam  More info
Tuesday 14 May - Sessions DEEL / SHE 2024
09:16 - 10:40 - Spoken in 
AI & Healthy living || Health and Wellbeing living labs
By: Evdokimos Konstantinidis, European Network of livinglabs | Milan Petkovic, Philips  More info
11:05 - 12:00 - Spoken in  (this session is fully booked)
Workshop: Impact of eHealth
By: sander van de Hoef, NeLL | Margot Rakers, NeLL  More info
11:05 - 12:00 - Spoken in 
Workshop: Future homecare for and with older adults
By: Sarah Latus, HAMBURG UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLGY (TUHH) | Camilla Evensson, RISE | Coosje Hammink, HAN  More info
12:00 - 13:00 - Spoken in 
Papersession: Smart health
  More info
12:00 - 13:00 - Spoken in 
Papersession: Healthy cities & adaptive housing
  More info
14:00 - 14:50 - Spoken in 
Workshop: A methodology to analyze neighborhoods on living and care using GIS
By: Otto Trienekens, Veldacademie | andrea Fitskie, Veldacademie  More info
15:20 - 16:20 - Spoken in 
Panel: Health & Technology
By: Camilla Evensson, RISE | Marta Fernandez Bertos, RMIT EUROPE | Geert Frederix, HAN | Otto Trienekens, Veldacademie  More info
Wednesday 15 May
Wednesday 15 May - Plenary sessions
09:15 - 10:45 - Spoken in 
Opening en welcome by minister Conny Helder - Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport & Keynote Programm Ck Andrade | Alain Labrique-Bernard | Bart De Witte
By: Alain Labrique-Bernard, Director, World Health Organization (WHO) | Conny Helder, Ministerie van VWS | Bart de Witte, Ceo, HIPPO AI Foundation | C.K. Andrade, Ceo, Gartner  More info
16:00 - 16:45 - Spoken in 
Keynote programme closing Safaa Almajthoub | Stephanie Klein Nagelvoort Schuit | Seth Hain
By: Safaa Almajthoub, Ceo, Cso, Global Transformation Expert, Seha Virtual Hospital, Ministry of Health KSA | Stephanie Klein Nagelvoort Schuit, Ceo, UMCG | Seth Hain, Senior Vice President Of R&D, EPIC | Marc Noppen, Ceo, UZ Brussel  More info
Wednesday 15 May - Seminars
11:30 - 12:10 - Spoken in 
Insight and more control over elderly care thanks to data!
By: Lasse Himmelberg, Hertek Care  More info
11:30 - 12:10 - Spoken in  (this session is fully booked)
The AI-enabled healthcare workforce - Building the roadmap
By: Oscar Klein, MICROSOFT  More info
11:30 - 12:10 - Spoken in 
Fall prevention by Veiligheid NL
By: Lucien Engelen, Ceo, Transform.Health | Wietske Hoekstra, VWS - VEILIGHEIDNL  More info
11:30 - 12:10 - Spoken in  (this session is fully booked)
Designing AI supported health pathways
By: Maaike Kleinsmann, Professor In Design For Digital Transfor, TU Delft | Alessandro Bozzon, Professor Human-Centered Artificial Inte, TU Delft  More info
11:30 - 12:10 - Spoken in 
AI for outcome based care
By: André Dekker, Professor Of Clinical Data Science, Maastricht UMC+ | Hanspeter Brunner- La Rocca, Maastricht UMC+ | Marieke Pierik, MUMC+  More info
11:30 - 12:10 - Spoken in 
Implementation of technology for disability care
By: Maurice Magnee, Professor Of Technology For Health, HAN University of Applied Sciences | Agnes van der Poel, Research Program Leader, Academy Het Dorp | Tom van de Belt, HAN University of Applied Sciences | Brigitte Boon, Professor Data & Technology Person-Cente, Tilburg University  More info
11:30 - 12:10 - Spoken in 
The healthcare system of the future: The Health Arena
By: Lucien Engelen, Ceo, Transform.Health | Nico De Fauw, In4care  More info
11:30 - 12:10 - Spoken in 
Privacy innovations in a national perspective
By: Elvira Kok, Ministerie van VWS | Hans Paalvast, Zorginstituut Nederland | Bente Jorritsma, DICA | Egge van der Poel, EGGEWEL / ERASMUS CENTRUM VOOR ZORGBESTUUR | Freya de Mink, Roseman Labs | Vincent Campfens,  More info
11:30 - 12:10 - Spoken in 
How can you reduce your hospital’s or department’s carbon footprint?
By: Manon Van Raak, PHILIPS  More info
11:30 - 12:10 - Spoken in 
Zuyderland leads the way in digital healthcare transformation
By: Tanja Schiffelers, ZUYDERLAND | Kristy Naus, Zuyderland  More info
11:30 - 12:10 - Spoken in 
The arrival of AI brings new opportunities and new risks for information security behaviour in healthcare
By: Sietske Rozie, ECP | Platform voor de InformatieSamenleving | Martzen Groenveld, VWS  More info
12:30 - 13:10 - Spoken in 
Home monitoring: also in acute care
By: Dewa Westerman, MUMC+ | Patricia Stassen, MUMC  More info
12:30 - 13:10 - Spoken in 
Navigating the future of healthcare with 5G
By: Brian Desplinter, AZ Groeninge | Jurgen de Klerck, Proximus  More info
12:30 - 13:10 - Spoken in  (this session is fully booked)
Current Status of the Implementation of the Generic IT Services (Program) in the Dutch Healthcare
By: Carlo Koch, Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport  More info
12:30 - 13:10 - Spoken in for companies: together towards scalability
By: Tonko Wedda, Coördinator Toetsingen, | Niels van Gorp,  More info
12:30 - 13:10 - Spoken in 
Optimizing Care Delivery and Putting Physicians at the Forefront of Healthcare Technology Innovation
By: Northwestern Memorial HealthCare  More info
12:30 - 13:10 - Spoken in 
Towards data-availability - Developping a National Strategy with partners.
By: Gaby Wildenbos, Nictiz  More info
12:30 - 13:10 - Spoken in  (this session is fully booked)
Transforming healthcare by making health data available for better care and faster innovation
By: Bianca Rouwenhorst, Director Of Information Policy/Cio, Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport | Dirk Schraven, Member Of The Executive Board, ERASMUS MC  More info
12:30 - 13:10 - Spoken in 
The Health Arena: Different aspects, different partners
By: Nico De Fauw, In4care  More info
12:30 - 13:10 - Spoken in 
Education of the future
By: Marieke Spreeuwenberg, MAASTRICHT UNIVERSITY/ MUMC+  More info
13:00 - 18:00 - Spoken in 
EHDS Meetup
  More info
13:30 - 14:10 - Spoken in 
Optimising the Medication Process within Care Facilities
By: Bart Drost, Enovation Medimo  More info
13:30 - 14:10 - Spoken in 
When data flow, when they don’t, and what to do about it Interoperability in real life
By: manon Kuilboer, VZVZ  More info
13:30 - 14:10 - Spoken in 
BirthCoach VR and BirthCoach App in obstetrics
By: Martine Wassen, BirthCoach  More info
13:30 - 14:10 - Spoken in  (this session is fully booked)
How will technology deliver the promised added value?
By: Maartje Claassen, Directeur Sara Robotics, Bestuurslid Fme, SARA Robotics  More info
13:30 - 14:10 - Spoken in 
Health research Data Ecosystem: Challenge and Opportunities (India)
By: Harpreet Singh, Scientist And Program Officer, Indian Council of Medical Research  More info
13:30 - 14:10 - Spoken in 
The strategy for a well-functioning and integrated health information system
By: Martijn Nieuwhof, Netherlands Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports  More info
13:30 - 14:10 - Spoken in 
The future of elderly care takes place in the neighborhood!
By: Daniel Fischer, KPN Health | Hans Snijder, KPN Health | Antoinette Rutten, PROTEION | Bjorn Ceresa, PROTEION  More info
13:30 - 14:10 - Spoken in 
What if robots will soon be in charge?
By: Xenia Kuiper, Stichting Philadelphia Zorg  More info
14:30 - 15:10 - Spoken in  (this session is fully booked)
Artificial intelligence for efficient and cost effective continuous monitoring of patients
By: Pietro Bonizzi, Maastricht UMC+  More info
14:30 - 15:10 - Spoken in 
In the era of AI and robotics - How a 133-year-old company innovates by using a startup mentality
By: Betsabeh Madani Hermann, PHILIPS  More info
14:30 - 15:10 - Spoken in 
Data Driven & Personalized Diabetes Care with CloudCare
By: Arjen Hoogendam, Internist & Medical Director Diabeter Nl, Diabeter | Sander Last, Sr Market Development Manager Diabeter, Diabeter (Medtronic) | Sonia Van Dooren, UZ BRUSSEL  More info
14:30 - 15:10 - Spoken in  (this session is fully booked)
Medisch servicecentrum ‘Zorg bij jou’: hybride zorg dichtbij de patiënt
By: Huub Hopman, VGZ | Siebren van der Kooij, Zorg bij Jou  More info
14:30 - 15:10 - Spoken in 
Preparing & sharing ICU research data
By: Frank Van Rosmalen, MUMC+ | Jip De Kok, MUMC+  More info
14:30 - 15:10 - Spoken in  (this session is fully booked)
Innovations to Future Proof Your Digital Transformation - Deep Dive
By: C.K. Andrade, Ceo, Gartner  More info
14:30 - 15:10 - Spoken in 
When Life comes to a standstill
By: Ehsan Natour, MUMC+  More info
14:30 - 15:10 - Spoken in 
European Data Availability: opportunities that EHDS offers to the Netherlands
By: Hans Mekenkamp, Partner, MedicalPHIT | Geranne Lautenbach, MedicalPHIT  More info
14:30 - 15:10 - Spoken in 
AI in healthcare, how do you do that?
By: Tjerk Heijmens Visser, CZ | Niels van Gorp,  More info
14:30 - 15:10 - Spoken in 
Building the right infostructure to power your AI strategy
By: Erik Vermeulen, Global Health Technology Leader, Ernst & Young (EY)  More info
Wednesday 15 May - Sessions DEEL / SHE 2024
09:16 - 10:40 - Spoken in 
The future of nursing work || Experiences from livinglabs & Lifetime Neighbourhoods That Care
By: ian Spero, Founder Agile Ageing Alliance, Agile Ageing | David Abbink, TU delft  More info
11:05 - 12:00 - Spoken in 
Workshop: Social responsibility into home environments and healthcare
By: Bige Tunçer, TUE | Melissa Bruntlett, Royal Haskoning | Esmee van Selst, Royal Haskoning  More info
12:00 - 13:00 - Spoken in 
Papersession: Citizen science, smart art & place making
  More info
12:00 - 13:00 - Spoken in 
Papersession: Empathic & caring living environments
  More info
14:00 - 14:50 - Spoken in 
Workshop: Neighborhood Social Interaction
By: Linh Nguyen, EINDHOVEN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY | Pauline van den Berg, Fontys  More info
15:20 - 16:20 - Spoken in 
Panel: Social Health: Inclusion & Communities
By: ian Spero, Founder Agile Ageing Alliance, Agile Ageing | Nico van Meeteren, STICHTING LIFE SCIENCES HEALTH | Marta Fernandez Bertos, RMIT EUROPE | Annette Duivenvoorden, PLATFORM31  More info
Thursday 16 May
Thursday 16 May - Plenary sessions
09:15 - 10:45 - Spoken in 
Keynote programme by: Diederik Gommers | Aashima Gupta | Dave deBronkart | Bianca Buurman
By: Bianca Buurman, Chair Of The Dutch Nurses Association, V&VN | Aashima Gupta, Global Director, Healthcare, Google | Diederik Gommers, Chief Intensive Care/Intensivist, Erasmus MC | Dave deBronkart, Ceo, e-Patient Dave  More info
16:00 - 16:45 - Spoken in 
Keynote Abigail Norville, Deputy Secretary General at the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport & André Dekker, Medical Physicist / Professor of Clinical Data Science
By: Abigail Norville, Ministry of Health, Welfare, and Sport, Chair GDHP | André Dekker, Professor Of Clinical Data Science, Maastricht UMC+  More info
Thursday 16 May - Seminars
11:30 - 12:10 - Spoken in 
From bytes to bites: the wicked problems you face when developing software that doctors and patients will actually use
By: Jennifer Klein Gunnewiek, Noory  More info
11:30 - 12:10 - Spoken in 
A European Trilogy: the fellowship of digital mental healthcare
By: Manuela Schuetze, Business Director, Minddistrict DACH | Danielle Revers, Business Director, Minddistrict NL  More info
11:30 - 12:10 - Spoken in 
The Operating Theatre of the Future
By: ron heeren, Universiteit Maastricht | André Dekker, Professor Of Clinical Data Science, Maastricht UMC+  More info
11:30 - 13:10 - Spoken in 
Designing the future of healthcare
By: Inge Willems, ZUYDERLAND  More info
11:30 - 12:10 - Spoken in  (this session is fully booked)
Met ongekende veranderingen worden systemen onder druk gezet
By: Mischa Selis, ZGP | Fabian Tijssen, MAASTRICHT UMC  More info
11:30 - 12:10 - Spoken in  (this session is fully booked)
Generative AI in Dutch healthcare
By: Kawae Chan, VWS | Jildau Bouwman, TNO  More info
11:30 - 12:10 - Spoken in 
AI in healthcare, how do you do that?
By: Niels van Gorp, | Tjerk Heijmens Visser, CZ  More info
11:30 - 13:10 - Spoken in 
Results of the SMILE project: How can a digital ecosystem enable older adults to live a more independent and socially rich life?
By: Esther Davidsen, Project Manager Region Sjaelland, Teknologisk Institut Denmark | Sverre Bergh, Doctor, Sykehuset Innlandet | Matthieu Arendse, Beleidsmedewerker/ Innovatieadviseur, tanteLouise | Jan Skjetne, Sintef  More info
11:30 - 12:10 - Spoken in 
Creating an open ecosystem for patientmonitoring
By: Rob De Bie, PHILIPS  More info
11:30 - 12:10 - Spoken in 
The vision of Medtronic: “playing big” with AI
By: Rodolphe Katra, Medtronic US | Nathalie Virag, Senior Director And General Manager Of T, Medtronic  More info
12:30 - 13:10 - Spoken in 
Co-creating the ICU of the Future
By: Frederique Beelen, Philips | Priscilla Hanssen, MUMC+ | Marielle Driessen, MUMC+  More info
12:30 - 13:10 - Spoken in 
Together we lead in learning and development through collaboration
By: Jolien Wisse, Voorzitter Vsr, Rijnstate ziekenhuis | Elvira Den Breejen, Manager Centrum Kwaliteit-Wetenschap En, Rijnstate ziekenhuis  More info
12:30 - 13:10 - Spoken in 
The nurse as a spider in the digital web!
By: Ybranda Koster, V&VN | Danielle Van der Meer, V&VN  More info
12:30 - 13:10 - Spoken in 
Smart & Funx: puts the healthcare provider center stage!
By: Lieke Poot, ISALA | Jos Knaapen, ISALA  More info
12:30 - 13:10 - Spoken in 
AORTA-on-FHIR and the BTD (shared service for data transformation)
By: Tom De Jong, Productmanager Standaarden, VZVZ  More info
12:30 - 13:10 - Spoken in 
Fostering Integral Collaboration within the health sector to realize our health information system
By: Mark Janssen, NFU | Iman Merison, VWS  More info
13:30 - 14:10 - Spoken in 
Innovation readiness; the non-commitment is over!
By: Monique van den Hoed, UNIVERSITEIT MAASTRICHT | Ramon Daniëls, Zuyd Hogeschool  More info
13:30 - 14:10 - Spoken in 
The Netherlands sets standards on terminology and technical specifications for the Health Care system.
By: Christine Beerepoot, Kwartiermaker Publiek Houderschap, VWS | Ruud Lucas, Adviseur Stelselbeheer, Nictiz | Yola Park, Nictiz  More info
13:30 - 14:10 - Spoken in 
More time for care with Sonevo
By: Sjoerd Custers, Hertek  More info
13:30 - 14:10 - Spoken in 
Using social robot Tonnie as a colleague in healthcare
By: Wendy Halie, GGZ Oostbrabant | Ton de Kleijn, Verpleegkundige En Kwartiermaker Sociale, GGZ Oostbrabant | Lianne Verbruggen-Smulders, Director Of Treatment Affairs And Clinic, GGZ Oost Brabant  More info
13:30 - 15:10 - Spoken in 
Masterclass openEHR; The added value of a vendor neutral open data platform
By: Sebastian Iancu, CODE24 | Jan Weterings, Masterclass OpenEHR | Jan de Lange, Masterclass OpenEHR | Bouwe Koopal, MAARSINGH EN VAN STEIJN | Hans Canisius, Usoft | Erik Vermeulen, Global Health Technology Leader, Ernst & Young (EY) | Stefan Schraps, Vitagroup  More info
13:30 - 14:10 - Spoken in  (this session is fully booked)
Hoe draagt hybride huisartsenzorg bij aan dé toekomst van de huisartsenzorg?
By: Leontien Molenaar, Medisch Directeur En Huisarts, Digital Healthcare | Iris Timmermans, VGZ  More info
13:30 - 14:20 - Spoken in 
Evaluating effectiveness of diabetic foot care
By: Femke van den Wall Bake, NVvP (Dutch Association of Podiatrists) | Toon Segers, Co-Founder And Head Of Customer Success, Roseman Labs | Roy Wisselink, Foot Center Wender  More info
13:30 - 14:10 - Spoken in 
A say in digital healthcare transformation for excellent nursing care
By: Mick Olvers, Maastricht UMC+ | Marjolein Heemels, Maastricht UMC+ | Renaldo Secchi, Maastricht UMC+  More info
13:30 - 14:10 - Spoken in 
Omring and KPN Health are developing Zorgdomotica-as-a-Service
By: Simon Hoogvliet, Directeur Zorg Proposities, KPN Health | Marcel Ensing, Cio, Omring  More info
13:30 - 14:10 - Spoken in 
Towards hybrid care; the nurse in splits!?
By: Renee Verwey, Senior Onderzoeker, Zuyd Hogeschool | Judith Peeters, Meander Groep Zuid Limburg | Erna Vreeke, Projectleider Medicatieoverdracht, V&VN  More info
14:00 - 16:00 - Spoken in  (Access by invitation only)
VWS vergadering informatieberaad Zorg
14:30 - 15:10 - Spoken in 
Medicine and integrative AI: synergies through new models and algorithms
By: Markus Vogel, Cmio, Microsoft+ Nuance  More info
14:30 - 15:10 - Spoken in 
Why do you want to live? The necessity of motivation, personalisation and families for cardiac rehabilitation
By: Rob Tieben, Founder & Scientific Director, Games for Health | René Luigies, Liaison Officer, Games for Health  More info
14:30 - 15:10 - Spoken in  (this session is fully booked)
From insight to impact: Zuyderland's journey towards data and AI driven healthcare
By: Lee Bouwman, Zuyderland | Mathie Leers, Zuyderland | Stijn Lambregts, Zuyderland  More info
14:30 - 15:10 - Spoken in 
Self-management from your own Care Cockpit: Setting a Course for Social Profit
By: Diederik Gommers, Chief Intensive Care/Intensivist, Erasmus MC | Joost Nauta, Joost-Nauta  More info
14:30 - 15:10 - Spoken in 
AI explained in common language
By: Stan Snijders, Laurentius Ziekenhuis  More info
14:30 - 15:10 - Spoken in 
Scaling up hybrid treatment in mental health care
By: Loren Kruseman, DIGIZO.NU | Jaap Schrieke, Sr. Strategisch Beleidsadviseur, De Nederlandse GGZ | annette Zoete,  More info
14:30 - 15:10 - Spoken in 
The Digital Front Door: Guiding Everyone through Their Own Care Process
By: Bert Mooij, Enovation Funatic  More info
14:30 - 15:10 - Spoken in 
Attaché Health and Pharma Permanent Representation of Belgium to the European Union
By: Maxime Morren, Attaché Permanent Representation, Belgium | Europe Union  More info
Thursday 16 May - Sessions DEEL / SHE 2024
09:16 - 11:00 - Spoken in 
Keynote & panel discussion: Continuing success: become future agile in the box! || Living labs in the field of smart healthy living environments (NL)
By: Jan Bart Wilschut, Moderator, Door de Wind Advies BV | Tineke Abma, LEYDEN ACADEMY | Marja Peltenburg, STADSDORP VONDELHELMERS | Jessica Vogel, Oktober | Mariëlle Heuvelmans, Talis | Nico van Meeteren, STICHTING LIFE SCIENCES HEALTH  More info
11:30 - 12:40 - Spoken in 
Workshop: Social Innovation as motor for smart inclusive environments - AFEdemy and Tecnalia
11:30 - 12:40 - Spoken in 
Workshop: Masterclass Conceptueel Bouwen: Nieuwe prestatie-eisen voor wonen met zorg
By: Olga Görts - van de Pas, Conceptueel Bouwen  More info
11:30 - 12:40 - Spoken in 
Workshop: Celebrating innovation: remarkable cases of extramuralisation and the power of public-private partnerships - SIA & Health-Holland
13:40 - 14:50 - Spoken in 
Workshop: Challenges to d(HL) in Europe and how to overcome them: perspective from citizens with a focus on the older adults in Italy - ISRAA
By: Adele De Stefani, ISRAA | Oscar Zanutto, ISRAA  More info
13:40 - 14:50 - Spoken in 
Workshop: Hoe bouwen we dementievriendelijk?
By: Anne de Boer, Alzheimer Nederland | Anne van Grinsven, WOONZORG NEDERLAND  More info
15:20 - 17:00 - Spoken in 
Designing happiness: key indicators of empathic and caring living environments for ageing well|| Livinglabs op het gebied van slimme gezonde woonomgevingen
By: Masi Mohammadi, Scientific Director, The DEEL Academy | Paula Nelissen, TREANT | Anne van Grinsven, WOONZORG NEDERLAND | Marlou Kremer, Raad van Ouderen | Hans Adriani, AANJAAGTEAM WONEN WELZIJN ZORG VOOR OUDEREN  More info